Free analysis to boost your company's paid advertising efforts


Do you need a power boost on your paid advertising?

Free analysis on your paid advertising always produces good valuable suggestions you can take with you and implement.


Our free analysis report is valuable for both companies with extended experience and ones who have just started out. 

Our free analysis is truly free and does not bind you to anything!

Use your time wisely and choose DB360. Make your marketing and sales area more efficient, ask a professional for help!

Boost your company's customer acquisition with effective paid advertising

Analysis of paid advertising

The free analysis of paid advertising is a quick review that aims to find both areas of development that can be easily corrected and things that should be considered for improvement in the longer term  


Free analysis includes:

  • review of one (or two) paid advertising channels (Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn)
  • evaluation of advertising efforts and tips to go forward
  • analytics evaluation and possible suggestions to improve optimization
  • listing other areas for improvement 

The free analysis should not take any of your time since we handle everything on the back end.


Our free analysis is truly free and does not bind you to anything!

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Order a free analysis to boost your company's
paid advertising.

  1. Order a free analysis to boost your company’s paid advertising. Have you been doing paid advertising for a long time or have you just started? Free analysis on your paid advertising always produces good valuable suggestions you can take with you and implement.

Our free analysis is truly free and does not bind you to anything!

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Digital Boost Oy Rautatienkatu 21 B, 5th floor 33100 Tampere

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Ilmoittaudu yritysjohdon etäkahveille to 25.2, klo 10 - 10.45. Maksullinen mainonta myynnin tehokasvun työkaluna 2021.